Historically it has not been uncommon for nursery staff to offer babysitting services to clients outside of nursery working hours. This policy has been implemented to provide clarification of some key points regarding private arrangements between staff and parents/carers. Please also refer to our child protection policy.
- It is up to the individual member of staff if they wish to baby sit for the children from the Butterfly preschool in their own time. This arrangement is to be made with that member of staff and the parent/carer outside of working hours and must not interfere with the operation of the nursery.
- The Butterfly preschool will not be responsible for any private arrangements or agreements that are made
- We require the staff member and parent to sign a copy of this policy, which we will keep on file for the child and staff member
- Confidentiality and data protection of employment must be adhered to and respected at all times
- The Butterfly Preschool has a rigorous recruitment and suitability processes in place to ensure that we employ competent and professional members of staff and uphold our duty to safeguard children whilst on our premises and in the care of our staff. This procedure includes interviews, references, full employment history and DBS checks. Whilst in our employment all staff are subject to ongoing supervision, observations and assessment to ensure that standards of work and behaviour are maintained in accordance with our policies. We have no such control over the conduct of staff outside of their employment with us. Parents should make their own checks as to the suitability of a member of staff for babysitting
- Parents should be aware that other adults accompanying the babysitter may not have the relevant DBS clearance, and it may not be appropriate for them to care for children
- The Butterfly Preschool will not be held responsible for any health and safety, safeguarding conduct, grievances or other issues that may arise from these private arrangements. The member of staff will not be covered by the nursery’s insurance whilst babysitting as a private arrangement
- The Butterfly Preschool has a duty of care to safeguard all children attending the setting, so if a staff member has some concerns for a child following a private type arrangement they need to pass these concerns on to the designated safeguarding lead within the nursery
- In some cases staff members are allowed to take children straight from the preschool to the child’s home for them to baby sit. In this case you will need to sign a “Permission to Take a Child Home Form” in which you accept that the nursery cannot be liable or responsible for any occurrence or eventuality, once your child has left our premises. If a form is not signed prior to this then we cannot let that member of staff take your child off the premises
- It will be the staff member’s responsibility to ensure they have the appropriate insurance, MOT and child restraints or child safety seats if they are transporting them in a car