As information received by the crèche is often of a confidential nature and in order to promote parent/carer confidence in the crèche’s management of such information, the crèche will ensure that:
- All parents/carers can, upon request, see records kept about their child at any time (except in exceptional cases where data protection laws stipulate it is against the best interest of the child to do so)
- Parents/carers will not be allowed access to any information held by the crèche regarding other children
- Observations, feedback etc regarding any child, will only be given to the parents/carers of that child, unless the relevant parent/carer has given permission for another person to receive this information
- Information regarding a child’s medical needs/status or concerns regarding safeguarding issues will be held in a separate file and will be only available to authorised crèche personnel
- Any visitors or trainees will be made aware of the need and importance of confidentiality
- The crèche will be obliged to provide information to relevant authorities investigating any child safeguarding issue