From time to time we will have visitors to The Butterfly Preschool for many reasons, ranging from early years assessors, potential parents to childcare service advisors. This policy is in place to ensure the safety of the children as well as the staff remains a priority at all times when visitors are onsite. All visitors will be made aware of our requirements and expectations during their visit.
The front door is locked at all times and only opened during drop-off and pick-up time when a member of staff is on the door to make sure no unexpected visitors access the building.
Procedure for visitors
Visitors will have to identify themselves at the entry to the nursery on the intercom system. They will be asked by a member of staff what the purpose of the visit is or whom they are coming to see and provide identification. This identification should be validated is a member of staff is at all unsure.
The visitors will be asked to put their mobile phone in the secure box on the front table for the visit and will be given their phone back when leaving the nursery.
The following information on all visitors to the setting will be logged in a designated visitors book:
The visitor will also be given a lanyard with the designated safeguarding leads name on as well as Wandsworth Mutli Agency Service Hub and LADO number on it. This is encase they have any concerns when visiting the premises, they can contact the right service provider.
During the visit the visitor will be reminded to remain clearly visible to staff at all times they are on the premises.
If an unexpected visitor has no suitable reason to be on the premises they will be asked to leave immediately and escorted from the premises. If the visitor repeatedly refuses to leave, the police will then be telephoned immediately. A record will be made of any such incidents on an incident form and the manager will be immediately notified.
Upon finishing their visit, the visitor will have to sign out of the premises in the visitor’s book, hand back their lanyard and will be given their mobile phone back.
Contractors, suppliers and all other visitors requiring access to the other areas of the setting must only be permitted entry on the authority of the nursery manager.
The Butterfly Preschool
The Butterfly Preschool, 32B Webbs Road, London, SW11 6SF
General Enquiries & Registration - 0203 7407639
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