Statement linking early years setting to the Merton local offer
The Butterfly Preschool is welcoming and nurturing, it is a place where children settle in quickly and easily because consideration is given to the individual needs and circumstances of each child and their families. We endeavour to make each child feel safe, stimulated and happy during their time with us. We aim to provide an environment in which children are supported to reach their full potential and we work closely with parents to make sure each child’s needs are met.
Name of setting and introductory inclusion statement
At The Butterfly Preschool we believe that equal opportunities for all are an integral part of education and we aim to build on the skills and experiences of each member of our school community, irrespective of their race, gender, home background or impairment provided that there are good prospects of meeting their needs without unduly prejudicing the education and welfare of other children. We know that parents want the best for their child and by working in partnership with them and consulting with them when needed, we hope that each child will thrive and achieve their potential with us. The staff team work closely together and with parents to support each child’s individual learning journey and by doing this we can identify early if a child may have a specific need and therefore get them any additional support that may be required.
Due to restrictions on space, facilities and personnel trained to deal with profound disabilities, the nursery may be unable to admit children with physical or serious long-term emotional or behavioural disabilities.
Who is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator?
At The Butterfly Preschool, our Special Education Needs Co-ordinator is, Mrs Charlotte Butterfill, Mrs Gautami Patel & Mrs Paromita Ghatak and parents are welcome to speak to both of them or their child’s key person at any time if they have concerns about their child.
What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s progress or special educational needs?
The nursery operates an open door policy. If a parent has any concerns about their child’s progress they can speak to their child’s key person. Their key person is the teacher who is responsible for them during their time in the nursery and is responsible for observing, evaluating and planning for the individual needs of their children. They are also there to encourage the families to participate in their child’s learning, and to help each child form positive relationships with the other staff and children in the nursery.
A parent can also speak to the Head teacher Mrs Charlotte and well as the Deputy SENCos Mrs Gautami & Mrs Paromita and Miss Howida.
How does the setting decide whether a child has special educational needs and what extra help they need?
When a child arrives at the nursery and has already had a SEND (Special Educational Need or Disability) identified, we will work with people who have already been put in place to support the child and we will use the information available to us to implement a PSP (Personal Support Plan) for that child so we can support and manage them to the best of our ability.
If a parent expresses concerns that their child has a SEND or our staff feels a child has a SEND we will discuss it with the parents and determine whether the child’s understanding and behaviour is the same at home and nursery. We will then work with the parents, involving them at every stage and we will implement a PSP for the child which has review dates and targets. If we feel it is appropriate we will have a meeting with the parents to discuss bringing in an outside agency to help support the child. The progress and strategies used to support the child will be recorded following a graduated approach. This might lead to an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) being put in place.
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
The Butterfly Preschool operate an open door policy and parents can come and chat to the head teacher, their child’s key person or the SENCo either before school or at the end of each session. They can also have access to their child’s file which tracks their progress and celebrates their achievements during their time at the nursery.
The nursery carry’s out home visits for each new child starting our nursery. This gives the parents an opportunity to talk about their children and raise any concerns they may have before starting nursery.
The nursery holds two parent’s meetings, one in the autumn term, one in the spring term and an end of year report is given to all parents at the end of the summer term.
If your child has a SEND, as a parent you will be involved in every decision that is made regarding your child’s support and we will implement a Personal Support Plan which will be used in the nursery and that can also be used to support the child’s learning at home.
How do you assess and review my child’s progress?
Each child’s key person is responsible for assessing the child’s progress. Each week their key person observes their children, evaluates their observations and plans for their individual needs and is constantly monitoring their progress in all 7 areas of learning set out in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). The nursery also has a weekly staff meeting where each child’s progress can be discussed in confidence and this can also help inform the planning for each child. When a child is able to do a task or achieves something wonderful this is recorded in their file.
In a child’s first term at nursery if they start at 2 years they will get a two year assessment check. Parents will receive a short written summary of their child’s development in the three prime areas which are: Communication and language, Physical Development, Personal, social and Emotional Development. These prime areas are particularly crucial for igniting child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. This progress check will help to identity each child’s strengths and highlight any areas where a child may need additional help.
If a child has a SEND, as mentioned above a Personal Support Plan is implemented with the agreement of the parents and targets and dates to review the child’s progress and achievements are set together.
How is the teaching and curriculum adapted to my child’s needs?
At The Butterfly Preschool staff are trained to plan their activities so that they can be easier or more challenging so that each child is able to learn at their own pace and in their own way. The staff are there to adapt the resources, provide age appropriate challenges for each child and to give support when needed.
The nursery will also provide training for staff if needed to support a child and additional resources or materials will be purchased if it can enhance a child’s learning.
The nursery follows the EYFS; we have areas dedicated to each of the 7 areas of learning and we understand that they are all important and interlinked. Children can start at the nursery from two years old so we make sure that the curriculum is flexibly structured so that as each child approaches the end of their time with us, at four plus, they are best prepared for their next school in line with the prevailing education policy.
What support is there for my child’s emotional well-being?
Each child has a key person who is responsible for making them feel secure, safe and happy in the nursery environment. They are also there to encourage their children to make positive relationships with the other staff and their peers. Before a child starts at the nursery we ask parents to fill out the “All about me” form so that when each child starts at the nursery we know who is important to them, what they like doing, if they have attended a setting previously and other important information that we can use to help them settle more quickly with us.
All the staff are there to help the children build good relationships within the setting and they can help with this by role modelling behaviour and language.
How do you promote positive behaviour?
At The Butterfly Preschool we know that successful behavioural management policy depends on good communication and positive relationships between children, staff and parents. We are always fair, consistent and clear in our response to behaviour and positive reinforcement is used as much as possible.
What training and specialist skills do the staff supporting children with SEND have or are having?
Both Mrs Charlotte, the head teacher and Mrs Gautami & Mrs Paromita our deputy SENCo have attended “The role of a SENCo”. This training is provided by Wandsworth council so is up to date and relevant.
All our staff have many years of experience working within the childcare sector and have a real passion for what they do. Mrs Charlotte is a qualified teacher and the rest of the team are level 3 childcare qualification or are working towards it.
However, if a child has a SEND and extra training of staff is required, where possible we will endeavour to undertake this training to be in the best position to support the child and meet their needs. However, depending on what is required, this may not always be possible.
What do you do to make the setting environment and curriculum accessible for all children?
The Butterfly Preschool aims to provide equal opportunities to all of its children, including those with disabilities or a SEN. Where possible we will adapt the environment to make it accessible for each child but on occasion due to restrictions on space and facilities this may not always be possible.
We make the curriculum accessible for all children by making the activities age appropriate and by adapting them to meet the needs of each child, making them easier or more challenging where necessary. Also when purchasing resources consideration is given to the suitability of the items from equal opportunities point of view, ensuring that they help promote equality in the nursery.
How will the setting prepare my child to join the setting and transition to the next school?
The Butterfly Preschools aim is for every child to have a happy and simulating time at nursery. This also means making sure the parents/carers have confidence in our ability and we can work together to make their time in nursery an unforgettable experience.
The procedures we have in place for new children:
When a child is leaving our nursery we always talk to them about their new school and make sure that they understand what is happening and how exciting this next step is for them. We have one day where all the children can come in their new school uniform and we have a circle time to allow the children to discuss with their peers where they are going onto. We provide the on going school with a transition form that captures the child’s ability and a little bit about the child’s likes and dislikes. With some of the schools we also do school visits so the children get to look around with their key worker before they leave our setting.
Our aim is to make sure, where possible that each child is independent and ready for the transition.
What specialist services from outside does the school use to help meet children’s needs and how do you work together?
When a child has a SEND the nursery will work in partnership with the child’s parents and will often bring in an outside agency to support the child e.g. a specific therapist. We will then all work together to implement strategies and an PSP, setting targets and review dates.
What should I do if I am unhappy with my child’s support or progress?
If a parent wishes to make a complaint or raise any concerns that they might have, they must first approach Mrs Charlotte, the head teacher and she will endeavour to deal with the complaint or concerns efficiently and without delay. At this point all relevant parties will be informed. If the above procedure is insufficient to resolve the issue a more formal approach should be made in writing to the head teacher expressing the complaint or concern.
After a consultation between the head teacher, parents and the nursery staff where appropriate, a concerned plan of action will be prepared, put forward and agreed by all parties. Minutes will be taken at any meetings which may take place and these, along with any other relevant paperwork must be attached to the files of the child concerned.
Should parents still remain dissatisfied, they should contact OFSTED directly.
The contact details are as follows:
Ofsted Early Years
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
0845 6404040
Where can I go for further advice and support?
The Wandsworth Parent Partnership Service provides an impartial and confidential service to all parents of children with SEND. Visit their website at or telephone 02088718061.
The Wandsworth Parents Forum “Positive Parent Action” works with the council to improve all provision for children and young people with SEN and Disabilities aged 0 25. If you want to get involved in influencing services visit their website at or telephone 0208 9475260
More information about the local offer of services and support for children and young people with special needs and disabilities in Wandsworth can be found on The family Information Services website at . Their helpline is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday 0208 8717899
The information in this report is accurate now, but we regularly review and make changes to what we offer and keep this information as up to date as possible.
Feedback: This offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information. If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please email
The Butterfly Preschool
The Butterfly Preschool, 32B Webbs Road, London, SW11 6SF
General Enquiries & Registration - 0203 7407639
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